Heparinised 125mm Pre-calibrated Micropipettes

SKU: 01666-00
£160.00 (£192.00 incl. vat)

 Code Circular Mark at  Ext. Diameter
01666-00 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 μl 1.15 mm
01667-00 μl
01668-00 10 μl 1.25 mm
01669-00 20 μl 1.60 mm
01673-00 25  μl
01671-00 50 μl 1.50 mm
01672-00 100 μl 1.70 mm

Hawksley pre-calibrated pipettes are for users who require very accurate capillary tube volume.

The pipettes are manufactured to ISO/DIS 7550 and are 125mm long.

  • Tolerances: 1-5µl ±0.3%, CV 0.6%; 10-200µl ±0.25%, CV 0.5%
  • Colour-coded for the volume from its base up to the ring-mark
  • Packaged in cardboard vials of 250 for 1 - 50 μl
  • Packaged in cardboard vials of 125 for 100 - 200 μl

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