Gynotec SpermTec Density Gradient 45%, 80% & 100%
SKU: FD-DG-45-10
£21.00 (£25.20 incl. vat)
By Gynotec

SpermTec® Gradient G-80 G-45 G-100
SpermTec® Density Gradient, or Sperm Filter, is an 100%, 80% or 45% diluted silane coated silica particles density-gradient used for the separation and purification of sperm for use in ART.
No osmotic stress for the gametes when used in combination with IVF Basics® HTF washing medium.
Features & Benefits:
- Ready-to-use
- 1.5 years shelf life
- Silane coated silica particles
- Osmolair stable with EBSS salts
- Removes sources of ROS
- Removes bacteria
- Removes sperm with abnormal DNA
- Improves cryo-survival
- Improves yield and recovery compared to swim-up techniques
Quality control:
Each lot is thoroughly quality control tested, resulting in a very consistent product quality and reliability.
- pH: 7.40 +/- 0,2
- Osmolality: 325 +/- 15 mOsm/kg (45% gradient)
315 +/- 15 mOsm/kg (80% gradient) - Endotoxin: < 0,5 EU/ml
- Sterility: SAL 10-3
- Density: 1.0970 – 1,1070 g/ml (80% gradient)
- Viscosity: < 1.65 cP (80% gradient)
- SST: ≥ 80%
- Certificate of Analysis and MSDS are available upon request.
Other sizes available upon request.